Redeemer 56ers
Introducing the 56ERS
Welcome to the 56ers! The 56ers is our 5th and 6th grade Ministry at Redeemer Church. We strive to create a Christ-centered, safe and fun environment for students. Middle school kids are at such a transitional age, going from young children to teenagers. We want to help guide and shepherd our students to know Christ during this formative age. Every Sunday the 56ers are released from service to join our volunteers in the 56ers Room in Building B to participate in a lesson designed just for them. Every Wednesday we also have Bible Study in the 56ers Room from 6:30pm - 8:00pm throughout the school year.
56ers Sermon Session
5th and 6th Grade
Sunday Mornings at 9am and 10:45am5th and 6th Graders are invited to participate in a lesson designed just for them in the Building B during both services.
Wednesday Bible Study
5th-6th Grade
Wednesday Evenings
6:30-8pmSpring programming begins January 15th
All students are invited to join our Wednesday evening bible study where we practice inductive bible study.
56ers will meet upstairs in Building B.
Upcoming events
56ers Christmas Party
December 11th
6:30pm - 8:00pmLet’s celebrate an amazing semester of 56ers Ministry! Let’s party with some fun minute-to-win-it games, a snowball fight and a gift exchange.
Please bring a $10 wrapped gift for the gift exchange.
Parent Meeting December 8th at 12:15pm
Classes Begins January 19th
Confirmation is a series of classes and experiences that a student grade 6+ are invited to attend in order to learn more about the church and their own faith. At the end of this course students will have the opportunity to decide if they want to confirm that the Christian faith is something they believe in and want to continue growing in it the rest of their life.
***Please note a short confirmation Parent Meeting will take place this Sunday, December 8th at 12:15pm.
Christmas Eve Services
December 23 | 6pm
December 24 | 10am, 3pm, 5pm
There will be no sermon session during Christmas Eve services. 5th and 6th graders are encouraged to stay in service and listen to Pastor David’s message.
Rise Up Camp
June 30- July 4
Rise Up Camp aims to share Christ with the next generation, deepen their relationship with Him, and help them hear His calling for their lives. It’s our hope that every camper that goes with us would have this kind of camp experience as they have a fun week connecting with Jesus and our church community. Rise Up camp will take place at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center. Transportation will be coordinated for those interested.
Interested in Volunteering? We will need extra help this year. If you want to see your time used to make an impact, this is an awesome opportunity! Sign up here.