TENFOLD is a three-year generosity initiative of Redeemer Church that will enable us to continue to carry out our mission to follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus and play our part to change the world. Through TENFOLD, we have the opportunity to partner with God by investing ourselves and our resources in what He is already doing at Redeemer Church. We believe this is the time to sow seeds that will lead to a harvest for God’s Kingdom for years to come.

In this season of ministry, we are being called as a church to sow the seeds of faith today so that we can see God reap a harvest for the gospel tomorrow. God has done amazing things through Redeemer Church over the years. We see it on Sunday as the room fills and our groups, kids ministry, and student ministry grow and grow. But, it’s also in the stories God’s telling in our lives: stories of answered prayer, redeemed faith, changed lives, and faithful friendship and support. The Holy Spirit is doing new things all the time and it is marvelous in our eyes. We now believe God is presenting us with even more opportunities for impact. We believe He has a vision for Redeemer Church to be a church that can transform the landscape of our community, our surrounding communities, and the world.

With all the growth we’ve experienced, we are short on facility space. While we’ve been able to add 100 seats in the worship center and expand the lobby, we’ve had to sacrifice two children’s/RECC classrooms, as well as the only dedicated Adult Education space that we had. Currently, we are fully utilizing our facility on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, we’ve run out of room for more groups and Bible studies to meet on campus, and our 5th & 6th grade ministry is bursting at the seems. All this growth is such a wonderful thing. But, it also means that if we are going to continue to be faithful to the opportunity God’s given us, we’ve got to make some space. We believe a new building will address our immediate space issues, create more room for more ministry and people, and give us new opportunities for ministry.

But it all begins with us. God is calling us to live lives of extravagant generosity.

Join us in sowing seeds of faith today so that we can see God reap a harvest for the gospel tomorrow.

We are seeking to raise $2.5 million in generosity commitments over and above our regular giving to enable the planning, design, and construction of a multipurpose building to meet the needs of our rapidly growing church community.

Lidia and Yahaira’s Story

Ruby and George’s Story

Alan and Evelyn’s Story

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