"And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need.
These are the sacrifices that please God." Hebrews 13:16
Through The Do Good Project, we aim to bring the hope of Jesus and the heart of Redeemer Church beyond the walls of our buildings as we follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus and change the world. Service and outreach opportunities with our Do Good Partners throughout the year give us the opportunity to build relationships and make a significant impact throughout not only our community, but the world.
Do you have a heart for missions? Are you looking for a place to plug in and serve at Redeemer Church? We are always looking for mission minded individuals to get connected with serving with our Do Good Partners. Complete the form below and someone from our Do Good Team will be in touch with you.
Your generosity to The Do Good Project enables us to continue to support our Local and Global Do Good Partners, fund projects and share the light of Christ as we follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus, and change the world. To donate toward The Do Good Project click the link below and select "Do Good Project" under designation.
Local Good
Don Jeter Elementary School
Don Jeter Elementary is an Alvin ISD Title 1 elementary school less than 3 miles from Redeemer Church. Over the last year we have been building relationships with the staff and PTA at Don Jeter to support the students, teachers and administrators.
Do Good Projects include Angel Tree, providing encouragement for teachers, school supply drives, etc.
The Well on Masters Road
The Well is a food pantry serving north Brazoria County. The pantry is solely supported by donations and staffed solely by volunteers.
Do Good Projects include regular volunteer opportunities, canned food drives, etc.
Volunteers are invited to serve on Mondays from 8:30-2pm or Tuesdays 8am-4pm
Do Good Works Team
Our Do Good Works team consists of people within the Redeemer community that have a desire to serve.
Projects include building wheelchair ramps, small home repair projects, etc.
Global Good
Zoe Empowers works to empower vulnerable children to move beyond charity today. This Christian Organization is rooted in faith and creates change for a generation and hope for orphans by giving them a voice. We currently sponsor an Empowerment group in Kenya.
Shinners Ntugi and Bidii Ntugi Groups Initial Report (2024-2026 Groups)
UM Student Ministry in Ukraine
Pastor David Goran and his wife Shannon started their life in ministry as missionaries at the UM Student Ministry in Ukraine. Over the past several years we have supported the Student Ministry.
Projects include mission trips, support of a local MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) group, and care packages.