At Redeemer Church, we are honored to come alongside families as you build firm faith foundations for your children, raising up the next generation of disciples.
Jesus said that God’s Kingdom belongs to kids and at Redeemer Church we take that very seriously. We are intentional about including children in the life of faith, both at church and at home. RedeemerKIDS exists to equip families and young people to follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus, and change the world.

If your family is new to RedeemerKIDS,
we’d love to connect with you!
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!
Join us weekly! We meet in person at 9am and 10:45am
Each Sunday during all of our worship services we offer a time specially designed for the children ages PreK4 - 4th grade called RedeemerKIDS Sermon Session! Children are invited into a kid friendly space where they have time for fellowship and an age appropriate lesson during the sermon. Children then return to the worship service for communion with their family.
RedeemerKIDS Nursery is our children's programming available for ages 8 weeks through PreK 3 for the duration of each service. Here your kids will engage in age appropriate bible lessons and songs. Our nursery is staffed with trained employees that meet our background check requirements, have obtained their CPR certification and follow Child Safety Training guidelines.
Our Sermon Session is led by volunteers that love kids and love Jesus! They have all met our background check requirements, receive regular training, and follow Child Safety Training guidelines.
Our RedeemerKIDS Programming uses a comprehensive curriculum called The Gospel Project. This curriculum is used from our nursery rooms through our RedeemerKids programming. The Gospel Project curriculum is relevant, biblical and engaging.
Family is your first church.
As Jessica Lagrone, mother and theologian, said in the forward to Grow at Home, "Family is the place where we develop our first inklings of what God is like, whether someone knows they are teaching or not. Faith is formed at the dinner table, in questions thrown back and forth from the backseat, and in bedtime conversations."
It is in the routines of our every day life that we form the faith of our children. Parents, because you matter so much, we want to help you make faith a family practice.