Wednesday Night Live is a weekly evening of ministry for the whole family at Redeemer Church!
Programming includes adult bible study classes, growth groups scheduled to meet on site, RSM Bible Study for 7-12th grade, 56ers Bible Study for 5-6th grade, RedeemerKIDS Club for Pre-K - 4th Grade, and nursery is available for those participating in adult programming. Wednesday Night Live Programming takes place during the school year.
Spring Wednesday Night Live programming begins January 15th
Epic of Eden - Evening Bible Study
Begins January 15th
n The Epic of Eden Video Study, Dr. Sandra Richter clearly and powerfully communicates a history of God's redeeming grace, weaving together a story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem.
Through text and video teaching, Dr. Richter uses this 12-week study to bring a new dimension to the history of the ancient Near East, orienting any study group in time, geography, culture, redemption, and relevance to today all without diminishing her reader's faith or dumbing down the scripture.
Legendary Bible stories take on new life as Dr. Richter clearly articulates their part of a larger pattern, revealing an even deeper significance for the stories individually. The Epic of Eden video study is ideal for serious church groups wanting a meaty study of the biblical text, as would anyone eager for a strategic grasp of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Old Testament and how it relates to God's activity in the present.
RSM Bible Study
Students 7-12th Grade are invited to join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study! Students will gather for fellowship, worship and to dig into the word of God together. Students will learn and the practice inductive bible study. RSM Wednesday Night Bible Study runs throughout the school year and meets from 6:30-8pm in Building C.
No need to sign up - just show up!
Spring Bible Study will begin January 15th
56ers Bible Study
Students 5-6th Grade are invited to join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study! Students will gather for fellowship, worship and to dig into the word of God together. Students will learn and practice inductive bible study skills. RSM Wednesday Night Bible Study runs during the school year and meets from 6:30-8pm in the new 56ers Room upstairs in Building B.
No need to sign up - just show up!
Spring Bible Study will begin January 15th
RedeemerKIDS Club
RedeemerKIDS Club is our new Wednesday Night programming for kids Pre-k 4 - 4th grade starting this fall! Kids are invited to join us for a fun Wednesday evening of bible lessons and activities during Wednesday Night Live! RedeemerKIDS Club runs during the school year.
Spring programming will begin January 15th.