Growth Guides
We all have a next step in following Jesus and that journey can go better with a guide. We have Growth Guides who are trained and ready to help you take your next steps and grow in your faith. Fill out the form below if you are interested in having a Growth Guide and someone will be in touch to get you connected.
Growth Guide FAQs
What is a Growth Guide?
Growth Guides are mature followers of Jesus that are a committed part of FUMC Pearland/Redeemer Church. They partner with people to help guide them in their personal journey to follow Jesus, through our church’s discipleship pathway.
Who needs a Growth Guide?
Anyone who has a desire to mature in their faith would benefit from a Growth Guide.
What does it look like to have a Growth Guide?
Once you are matched with a Growth Guide, he or she will connect with you to set up your first meeting. You and your guide will meet regularly to discuss your goals and what next steps will help you reach that goal.
How long is the commitment?
We ask that you initially commit to meeting regularly with your Growth Guide for 6 months. After 6 months you and your Growth Guide will determine if you want to continue to meet.