Each and every one of us have individual and unique gifts that we have been blessed with. These gifts join together to form who we are and how we participate in the work God is doing all around us.
When we bring those gifts into the church, and use them to serve God and each other, Jesus changes us. From welcoming new guests to pouring into our kids, to singing, running sound or making a fool of yourself in front of pre-teens and teenagers; when we serve we give God the chance to work both IN us and THROUGH us.
We want to invite you to take that next step into service. How might God want to work in and through you?
Please click the link below to indicate where you would like to serve. A Team Leader will contact you for training opportunities and scheduling.
Don’t know where to serve? We’re happy to talk to you more about all the different areas - just fill out the form and select “I’d like someone to contact me about serving”.
Thank you for joining us in our mission to follow Jesus, lead others to Jesus, and change the world!