Current Studies
Current and Upcoming Studies
The Epic of Eden
In The Epic of Eden Video Study, Dr. Sandra Richter clearly and powerfully communicates a history of God's redeeming grace, weaving together a story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem.
Through text and video teaching, Dr. Richter uses this 12-week study to bring a new dimension to the history of the ancient Near East, orienting any study group in time, geography, culture, redemption, and relevance to today all without diminishing her reader's faith or dumbing down the scripture.
Legendary Bible stories take on new life as Dr. Richter clearly articulates their part of a larger pattern, revealing an even deeper significance for the stories individually. The Epic of Eden video study is ideal for serious church groups wanting a meaty study of the biblical text, as would anyone eager for a strategic grasp of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Old Testament and how it relates to God's activity in the present.
Wednesday mornings at 9:30am (women’s study)
Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm (co-ed)
Men’s Morning Bible Study - Romans
Redeemer Men’s Bible Study is an ongoing study open to all men looking to dig deeper into scripture. This group meets weekly on Wednesday Mornings at 6:30am in Building C, Room C3.
They are currently studying Hebrews using John MacArthur’s Study Guide.
If you have questions, please contact Garland Sparks.