
MomCo is an intentional place for moms to connect with one another and journey through motherhood together. At MOMco we love and welcome moms with kids of all ages. These moms build relationships, support each other, and encourage one another through the journey of motherhood.

WHAT TO EXPECT: Redeemer MomCo consists of a hot breakfast, a devotional, and a short speaker/video/craft or all the above related to motherhood and/or our wonderful kids. There is always time for discussion around whatever the topic might be and it's a safe place to share exactly where you are in your parenting journey with other moms.

The MOPS 2024-2025 theme is: WILD HOPE!

Our Daytime MOPS Group meets twice a month on Friday Mornings from 9:30-11:30am
Our evening MOPS Group meets twice a month on Tuesday evenings from 6pm-8pm

There is a $65 membership fee each semester that helps cover child care and materials. Scholarships are available.

Do you ever feel like your pilot light has gone out? Like the spark that once fueled your passion, clarity, and energy has been dimmed under the mental load of motherhood? Perhaps it’s the need to make 1 million decisions a day (so many decisions!) that causes you to never really feel confident you’re doing it right. Maybe you are in a season where you feel you are not showing up well for yourself or others; just going through the motions, trying to get to the end of the week. That is about to change because we’re declaring this the year of new things. A new season needs a new strategy, and we choose wild, contagious hope. Hope is not a passive exercise in wishing; it’s an active approach to living life engaged. Hope is generative. In Proverbs 13:12 we read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire ful lled is a tree of life.” Hope provides clarity, vision and vitality. Looking at the adversity and division that seems to be seeping into the fabric of our culture, hope offers another option – the opportunity to see new paths and ways of living that we might not have considered before. It reminds us that we can make a positive difference in our families and communities and that tough times will not paralyze us. Hope requires courage and trust because to see the new thing God is doing likely means going into the wilds – paths that take us through uncomfortable places and challenges that nourish our deepest longing. God is doing something new, and we can get our hopes up. It’s time for Wild Hope.

For information regarding Daytime MomCo please contact Rachel West.

For information regarding Evening MomCo please contact Kasey Atnip.

For any additional information please contact Shannon Goran, our Director of Groups.


MomCo International encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.

Learn more about MomCo here