Acts (Part 3)

There are few books of the Bible more exciting, inspiring, or interesting than Acts and the story of the early church. Join us this summer as we continue our journey through the book, learning and asking God to grow our faith.


“The Gospel Moves In”
July 28, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“Friends of God”
July 21, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“Everyday People and God's Plan”
July 14, 2024
David Goran

“Not Far From Any One Of Us”
July 7, 2024
David Goran

“Why The Holy Spirit > The Python Spirit”
June 30, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“When Paul and Barnabas Argued about John Mark”
June 23, 2024
David Goran

“The Jerusalem Council”
June 16, 2024
David Goran

“There Will Be Turbulence”
June 9, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

June 2, 2024
Silverio Sanchez


Citizens of Heaven


Ever Wonder Why?