past Andres Alzate past Andres Alzate

Citizens of Heaven

The Bible says that for followers of Jesus "our citizenship is in heaven." What does that mean for the way we live in this earthly country—especially when it comes to politics? As we approach another contentious election season, this series will help us think about how our heavenly citizenship can lead our earthly citizenship for the sake of the gospel. Want to learn more about us? Check us out here!

“What if the President is Terrible?”
August 25, 2024
David Goran

“But Our Citizenship is in Heaven”
August 18, 2024
David Goran

“The Mindset of the Kingdom”
August 11, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“Jesus is Lord”
August 4, 2024
David Goran

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past Andres Alzate past Andres Alzate

Acts (Part 3)

There are few books of the Bible more exciting, inspiring, or interesting than Acts and the story of the early church. Join us this summer as we continue our journey through the book, learning and asking God to grow our faith.


“The Gospel Moves In”
July 28, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“Friends of God”
July 21, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“Everyday People and God's Plan”
July 14, 2024
David Goran

“Not Far From Any One Of Us”
July 7, 2024
David Goran

“Why The Holy Spirit > The Python Spirit”
June 30, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

“When Paul and Barnabas Argued about John Mark”
June 23, 2024
David Goran

“The Jerusalem Council”
June 16, 2024
David Goran

“There Will Be Turbulence”
June 9, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

June 2, 2024
Silverio Sanchez

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Ever Wonder Why?

Have you ever wondered about something and you were scared to say it out loud? Have you ever had a doubt you didn't feel like you could share - especially at church? In this series, we'll ask some of the tough questions that make us all wonder why.

May 26, 2024
Ever Wonder How To Build a Church?
Bill Belanger

May 19, 2024
Ever Wonder If It’s Really True?
David Goran

May 12, 2024
Ever Wonder Why Can't I Stop?
David Goran

May 5, 2024
God Let It Happen?
David Goran

April 28, 2024
Why Didn’t God Answer My Prayer?
Silverio Sanchez

April 21, 2024
Ever Wonder Why God Feels Far?
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta


Did you know that after people trees are the most mentioned living thing in the Bible? Trees also mark some of the most critical moments in the story of our redemption. In this series, we’ll see God’s story of our salvation as told by trees.

April 14, 2024
Just One tree
David Goran

April 7, 2024
A Tree Fit For a King
Silverio Sanchez

March 31, 2024
Another Garden Another Choice
David Goran

March 24, 2024
When Jesus Cursed A Tree
David Goran

March 17, 2024
Loves Like A Tree
Silverio Sanchez

March 10, 2024
Our Hearts Are Like Trees
Silverio Sanchez

March 3, 2024
The Burning Bush Tree
David Goran

February 25, 2024
People are like…Trees?
David Goran

February 18, 2024
Two Trees, One Choice
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Circle Maker

Sometimes we have places in our lives where we need God’s presence, God’s power, God’s healing. In this series, we're going to study Biblical examples of how God leads us to practice prayer that is big, bold, persistent, and powerful. Join us and become a Circle Maker.

February 11, 2024
Praying Circles Around Your Marriage
Silverio Sanchez

February 4, 2024
Praying Circles Around Our Families
David Goran

January 28, 2024
Can I Pray For That?
David Goran

January 21, 2024
Why We Need a Circle
Silverio Sanchez

January 14, 2024
How to Draw a Circle
David Goran

January 7, 2024
A Little Bit Crazy
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Ponder Anew

While the story of Christmas isn't new, Jesus is constantly making all things new. If you want to recapture the wonder and the power of the Christian hope this Christmas, join us these next few weeks for our December series 'Ponder Anew.'

December 31, 2023
Jesus’ Church
Silverio Sanchez

December 24, 2023
For Those Who Have Eyes To See
Christmas Eve

December 17, 2023
From Preparation to Adoration
Silverio Sanchez

December 10, 2023
Lessons and Carols

December 3, 2023
When God Shows Up
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Yes & Amen

In 2 Corinthians 1:20 it says "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ." Throughout this series we will be uncovering the incredible gifts of God's 'Yes' to us in Jesus and then learning how to respond with our 'Amen' to the glory of God.

November 26, 2023
When It’s Hard To Say Amen
David Goran

November 19, 2023
The Glory of God
Silverio Sanchez

November 12, 2023
God’s Yes For My Mind
Micah Brake

November 5, 2023
God’s Yes & Our Amen
David Goran

October 29, 2023
God’s Great Yes
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Didn’t See It Coming

Cynicism. Compromise. Disconnection. Irrelevance. Pride. Burnout. Emptiness. These are things that happen to other people, right? Wrong. In this series, we are going to talk about these 7 greatest challenges that no one expects and everybody experiences.

October 22, 2023
Silverio Sanchez

October 15, 2023
Silverio Sanchez

October 8, 2023
David Goran

October 1, 2023
David Goran

September 24, 2023
Silverio Sanchez

September 17, 2023
David Goran

September 10, 2023
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Little People with Big Questions

Kids have a knack for asking wonderful questions like “Why is a giraffe’s neck so long?” or “Can a mommy ever run out of love?” Often times we laugh at these questions but, sometimes kids bring to us questions about faith and life and God that leave us feeling a bit uncertain of our own understanding. In this series, we are going to go beyond a simplified, bite-sized response to the big questions and equip parents to give thoughtful, Biblically-based responses shepherding the young hearts and minds.

September 3, 2023
Does God Make Mistakes?
Silverio Sanchez

August 27, 2023
Who Made God?
David Goran

August 20, 2023
Do All Dogs Go To Heaven?
David Goran

August 13, 2023
How Big is God?
Silverio Sanchez

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

Acts (Part 2)

The book of Acts is the incredible account of the early Christian church, led by the Holy Spirit, through the faithful witness of ordinary men and women like you and me. This summer, as we read the second part of the book of Acts, we are going to see how God can do the same in our lives, church, and community.

August 6, 2023
Pain and Holy Spirit Power
David Goran

July 30, 2023
Miracles Then and Now
David Goran

July 23, 2023
The Church in Antioch
Silverio Sanchez

July 16, 2023
Peter and Cornelius
David Goran

July 9, 2023
Peter Heals Aeneas & Raises Dorcas
Silverio Sanchez

July 2, 2023
Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem
Silverio Sanchez

June 25, 2023
Saul’s Conversion
Silverio Sanchez

June 18, 2023
Philip and the Ethiopian
David Goran

June 11, 2023
Simon the Sorcerer
David Goran

June 4, 2023
How It Started, How It’s Going
Silverio Sanchez

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

On Things Above

There's a beauty and a power in life that God offers us, far beyond what's in front of our noses. But, in order to grasp it, we have to live not simply focused on earthly things but focused on the things of God above.

May 28, 2023
The Soul of a Disciple
Silverio Sanchez

May 21, 2023
Don't Follow Your Heart, Follow Jesus
David Goran

May 14, 2023
So Much Better Than Less Dead
David Goran

May 7, 2023
Not Moving On
Silverio Sanchez

April 30, 2023
You Have Been Raised
David Goran

April 23, 2023
Becoming Spiritually Alive
Silverio Sanchez

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

You Lost Me At Leviticus

There are fewer books in the Bible more confusing, weird, and maligned than the book of Leviticus. But that’s unfortunate because once you get to know Leviticus, Leviticus is actually awesome. In this series, we are going to help you find your way through Leviticus and see how this book points so beautifully to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

April 16, 2023
Why Bacon is Delicious and the Law Still Matters
David Goran

April 7, 2023
The Veil Was Torn
David Goran

April 2, 2023
David Goran

March 26, 2023
Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness?
David Goran

March 19, 2023
David Goran

March 12, 2023
The Sacrifice God Desires
Silverio Sanchez

March 5, 2023
You Lost Me
David Goran

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past Nathan Basta past Nathan Basta

If God…

Romans 8:31 says: "If God is for us, who could be against us?" It sounds like a question, but it's actually declaration: God is for us, for our good, for the good of the world! If God's for us, there's nothing that could ultimately be against us. What would happen in our lives, in our families, in our friendships, in our church, in our community if we truly believed that?

Feb 26, 2023
If God Has Brought Us This Far
David Goran

Feb 19, 2023
What if I could hear the Holy Spirit speak to me?
Silverio Sanchez

Feb 12, 2023
If the Spirit of God is in You
David Goran

Feb 5, 2023
What if God’s > my present circumstances
Silverio Sanchez

Jan 29, 2023
If God > if only
David Goran

Jan 22, 2023
What if God is rich?
David Goran

Jan 15, 2023
What if God is really present?
Silverio Sanchez

Jan 8, 2023
If for us
David Goran

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